1000 Follower Special: Brother Santodes

1000 Follower Special: Brother Santodes


#Well here we are (for real this time). One thousand followers. Let's hope it was all worth it! ---- To celebrate this milestone, I present to you all for your printing pleasure; Santodes, our perfect golden boy. ---- I would write something hilarious and witty here, but come on; *it's Santodes*. What could I actually write that would be better than anything that has already been said. I hope you all have fun printing him out and that your thermic reactors pulsate with smooth, velvety..... beats. ---- Many thanks to Garin for his hands. Garin makes beautiful hands. You should go support The Makers Cult. Do it now. If you enjoy model, please consider sending tips! It definitely gives me a lot of motivation to continue making these models for free and sadly, Donatello the D7 has gone to the big resin printer graveyard in the sky. F for Donatello. Copyright infringement is not intended. Parts are created freehand in 3D modeling software, no copyrighted product had been scanned or copied in any way. These models are for personal, non-commercial use; whatever that usage is may be is completely up to you. Go nuts and have fun!







Toys & Games