EMC2 Robot Arm Joint - Size A - 53.6 Ratio (Sylvie 2021)

EMC2 Robot Arm Joint - Size A - 53.6 Ratio (Sylvie 2021)


Videos hosted on our zeronet platform: https://ngnoid.tv/?Channel=quantumkitty@zeroid.bit And check out our zeronet STL repo: https://3d.ngnoid.tv/ EMC2 Compound Planetary Gearbox (Size A) - Comes with single and dual configuration (dual has more torque, greater mechanical stability, but moves at half the speed). Single configuration is used for Z-axis joints. - Great for robot arms. Made for Sylvie 2021 - Open source 3d printable humanoid robot. - Gear ratio: 53.6. Planet gears must be arranged according to the markings in a clockwise numerical order. It should form a circle. Otherwise the 48 ring gear won't fit! I also have my STL's on Github. This is where I always update them first: https://github.com/TwinLizzie/Sylvie-2021 Note: A lot of my newer models have inverted normals. This is because I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how to properly use the boolean modifier in the new version of Blender (2.81). It still prints well, but might show some warnings in some slicers. I will have to take the time to update every single model in the upcoming weeks with the normals corrected, then re-upload. All else said, I won't be making any more changes to these designs until I have finished my bipedal robot legs.






