Sunlu S8 SKR V1.3, V1.4 + V1.4 Turbo Mount
Sunlu S8 SKR V1.3, V1.4 + V1.4 Turbo Mount. Reuses all original screws. The board cannot be mounted any lower or pins will start to foul the original mounting posts. Board is a bit tighter to power supply but still has space for wires. You can file the top of the SD slot a small amount to reuse the old slot or as I have now done make the front plate holes a little bigger at the bottom so let the slot align (see last pic). USB slot still works but sits off to one side. This design also has air flow slots for the underside of the board. If using a TFT3.5 e3 you could always ignore the SD card and USB and use an extension connected to the screen outputs. I will probably be doing this in the future as i prefer to use USB pen drives. I will upload a link to this future mod at a later date. Enjoy!