Tevo Tarantula Adjustable Z End-Stop

Tevo Tarantula Adjustable Z End-Stop


I made this adjustable end stop to accommodate these mounting brackets: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1458534 You don't need them, I just couldn't find a part like this that works with them. This part mounts to the front of the right Z rail and the right side of the X rail, and allows you to adjust the Z zero position from the front of the printer, rather than the back (my printer is in a wooden box, so reaching the back is a pain). Additional Part(s) Required: - 1x 20mm M3 Bolt - 1x M3 nut - 1x 3mm spring (I just used the spring from the Titan Extruder) - If you don't have a spring, you can use another M3 nut to achieve the same result by sandwiching the Bolt Mount between the two nuts - 1x 12mm M4 bolt (Bolt Mount) - 1x 16mm M4 bolt (Limit Switch Mount) - 2x M4 T-nuts - 3x M4 washers (you will probably need more; see the Post-Printing section) I have included the design files (Fusion 360) if you want to change anything. If you do, upload it as a remix so I can see your work! If you find any flaws with this part, please let me know (in a comment), and I will try to update it.



