"ODIN" Main Battle Tank
I fancied tackling something a bit more in depth for my next project, and one of the things that bugged me about certain tanks in 40k was that they had practically no suspension or ground clearance. So something that looked plausible was high on my agenda. There are two versions of the hull and tracks included, the V2 set is slightly lower as I couldn't decide which I preferred. Only one hull weapon so far, I'll update it when I've had chance to try out some more designs. If you print it let me know how it goes, I'd love to see your versions. Update 23/4/20. Added a version of the lowered hull with no fenders, attached them to the tracks instead to fit on an Elegoo Mars without an odd orientation, should make printing a little quicker. They have been added to the zip file Update 25/04/20 Added a support plate to the track sides as they worked fine when printed flat to the plate but were a little wobbly when printed upright, I included location pegs and some escape hatches to cover the holes. Te tracks should still print ok flat on the build plate, but they will probably need supports for the road wheels to the print bed. Added a few details to the top of the hull, and tided up the zip file with just the latest hull and tracks Update 10/5/20 After playing around with it for a bit, I decided to see if its possible to add a sponson to it. With the addition of a bit of armour plate then yes it is! Mirror the armoured tracks to get a full set, I haven't added them to the zip yet, I plan on adding the uparmoured turret and turret with stowage when I get them finished.