200A 75mV Current Shunt Resistor Holder
200A 75mV Current Shunt Resistor Holder -------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a holder for the larger shunt resistors out there. User m276527 made a [great one for the smaller 100A shunts.](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2184509) This example does not have the facilities to attach to the shunt, I plan on simply using zip-ties; however, it does feature a capture for the bolt head on the back-end so that it is easier to remove the nuts. If I have time in the future, I may update this to have a means to hold the shunt. Thanks for checking it out! EDIT: Well, after an hour, I decided to update the design to fix the shunt to the holder. This should have been in the original design. The new file is appended with "_REV2" and still features a hexagonal profile for the bolt head so that you don't need a wrench on the backside of the shunt when you need to loosen/tighten the nut.