17 min print time Face Shield for Geeetech A20M (v4)
Hello from France (Strasbourg) some people asks about my settings inside a facebook group called Geeetech A10/A20/A30 3D Printer Owners Group i repeat, it's not for beautiful high definition print, it is to speedprint a fonctional and resistant shield you will find here the STL i used (.stl) [remember to do a "repair -> identify self intersecting surfaces" then "mesh -> separate conected surfaces". ] the simplify3d process i use (covid speed stack.fff) the simplify3d factory setting that i use (stack_24_highspeed_17minutes.factory) to print a stack of 24 in 7 hours on geeetech a20m v4 the gcode for the 24stack generated by symplify3d (v5stack24.gcode) some printscreens showing slices some photos of the result some details above if you want you can help me on https://www.paypal.me/covidstrasbourg it will help me buying tons of PLA and transparent sheets :) --------------------- Geeetech A20M v4 (late 2019) almost everything stock except the plate (Geeetech SuperPlate) I added a purge bucket and moved X end stop but no need here (but be carefull and replace simplify3d scripts [start/changingtool] with your usuals) I start 3d printing 1 week ago, i may not be exact with everything, but i print fast and it works Printer have Marlin 1.1.8 - GT2560 V4.0 - FW2.0 - HW 6.20 I use PLA (ERYONE) I use Simplify3D to slice I’m using only 1 extruder (right one) I’m using STL files from robyice @ thingiverse : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4262472 I started with faceShieldV2_Single_Open_End.stl to test and adjust the settings with Simplify3D. First try was more than 1 hour with my classic settings. I do a "repair -> identify self intersecting surfaces" then "mesh -> separate conected surfaces". then i try a lot of different parameters to optimize the way the head moves. remember that direct lignes can be print with speed but zigzags add distance and add time… Once it was OK with single shield, i use faceShieldV2_2_stack_Open_End.stl to test if the second layer « glue » but not too much to the first one. I have to be honest, it glue a little bit too much, but i unstack them with tools and force. Then i use faceShieldV2_24_stack_Open_End.stl. ----------------------- i repeat what i've wrote on https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4262472/comments my process is like : extrusion multiplier : 1.25 extrusion width : 0.44 mm retraction distance : 11.00mm retraction speed : 100 mm/second infill percentage : 0 - layers primary layer height : 0.3mm top solid layer : 1 bottom solid layer : 1 outline/perimeter shells : 3 outline direction : inside-out first layer height : 100% first layer width : 100% first layer speed : 100% start points : optimize for printing speed - Addition : nothing - Infill : External Fill paterne : concentric outline overlap : 30% - support : nothing - temperatures : bed 60°C head : 235°C - cooling : 1st layer : 0 2nd and others : 100% - speeds : default speed : 100mm/sec outline underspeed : 90% x/y movement speed : 150mm/s z movement : 16.7mm/s - advanced : External thin wall type : allow single extrusion walls internal thin wall type : allox single extrusion fill allow perimeter overlap : 0% minimum extrusion lenght : 5mm minimum printing width : 20% maximime printing width : 200% endpoint extension distance : 0mm only retract when crossing open spaces force retraction between layers I started printing 1week ago i dont know exactly the max speed of my printer so i put high values with this settings i can have good results with stackable faceshields hope it helps https://www.paypal.me/covidstrasbourg