JGAurora A5 - CoreXY Conversion
I converted my JGAurora A5 to Core-XY. Tried to use as many components as possible from the original printer. So the whole x carrier with hotend etc. can be reused, also all the electronics (including Heatbed - and its Heatbed-Holder) and most of the rods and so on. Designed a Belt holder for easy Belt-Assembly on the "old" Hotendcarrier. LM8UU's for the X-Y-Connection are "clip-in"/"snap-fit". Printer and conversion worked great, did some alterations - now want to make the final design avialible for others. You'll need: - some GT2 6mm Belts (10m should be more than enough) - 4x LMF10UU - 2x 10mm Rail (same as Y-Rails on Y of the A5 or just 450mm) - 2x 8mm Rail 475mm - 4x 2020 I-Type Extrusion 478mm - 8x 2020 I-Type Extrusion 490mm - lots of 2020 I-Type Nuts, M3-M5 Nuts and Bolts and so on - I used 8x SS F684 ZZ as guide pulleys on the frame and - 4x 5mm Bore Pulleys GT2 for the carriage - at least 2 additional LM8UU linear bearings - MotorCables/Extensions Design ist based on designs like the woodcore (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2555558) and other designs for the electronics enclosures for example. I you have questions - ask If you like it and want to support me, feel free to tip or buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/druckbrezel