Slanted TV Remote Holder (Customizable)
Many home media centers seem to have multiple remotes. It is so easy to lose remotes. It is helpful to have a central location for them. Using a basket to hold remotes forces you to dig around for the remote you want. This design holds the remotes at a slight angle making them easy to access in a sleek way. This design is customizable with Thingiverse Customizer. It allows you to configure 2-6 remotes setting the width and depth of each slot. See the instructions below for tips on how to customize your own design. If you are interested in a pre-made generic design see the original version: Please post a comment if you have any comments, questions, or design tips. **Customizer Instructions:** - Open file in Thingiverse Customizer or OpenSCAD: - If Thingiverse Customizer is not rendering correctly right-click "Create Thing" and open in new tab. - Order remotes from shortest to tallest - height_1 = 25-33% of height of remote 1 - height_2 = 25-33% of height of last remote - Measure width and depth of each remote. Add a few millimeters (~3-7mm) of tolerance to each dimension. - Set the width and depth of remote compartments not used to 0 - (OpenSCAD): Preview, render, and export to .stl.