Control Board - Creality + Mosfet

Control Board - Creality + Mosfet


Hi everybody, This is a control panel used in my Ender 5 for my V1.1.5 and Mosfets. Basically, there are 3 modules: 1) The display module, for the original 12864. 2) The electrical part, for the V1.1.5 and Mosfets. 3) The 80mm fan holder. Then there are 2 prints more: 4) The fan protector in honeycomb shape. 5) The lid. The first 3 modules are assembled together with 4 M3 screws, 8mm long recommended. Sorry, I am not a professional designer and there are some points to improve. You may get a 5mm screw and get a bit short (but functional), or 10mm and be a little bit long, which wouldn't matter in terms of practicality. The lid is easy to mount and it has been design to have a couple of 6x3 magnets. One the one that holds the box closed, and other one in the joint in the fan module. The mosfet board holders are for 50x60mm mosfet boards. I would recommend placing them with the cables looking to the display. BOM used: M3 screws between 5mm and 10mm. Mosfet: Fan 80x80x25: UPDATE 01/05/2020 (europe): By great suggestion of Alferro7 and because I never liked how to install the display in my first version, I include 2 changes: - The model for the electrical part, the middle module, now it is reversible. You can place the box at the right or left of the printer. You will find that the holes for assemble the 3 parts now are simetric and you can turn the middle part. - The display module now it made of 2 separate parts, once you screw the display in a plaque, you can place and screw this plaque into the main body. Much easy to mount.



