Good display 5.83" 600x448 Epaper Housing
This design is sponsored by our own web-service []( to provide you with an easy way to deliver fresh content to your Epaper displays It uses: - 4 M2.5 screws to mount the backside - About thirty 5*1.5 mm magnets. In case you want to mount it without holes or in your fridge or workshop may be useful NOTE: There are 2 different STL's that have tiny as suffix. This ones are though to host an [ESP32 TinyPICO]( as an SPI controller. Video preview and consumption test: To buy the 5.83 Epaper search in Aliexpress or directly in Good display: If you want to use ESP-IDF to upload your Firmware I've also a [CALE ESP-IDF version]( that you can also use as an epaper component and build your own Firmware. If you found this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my using the **Tip Designer** button. Help cover the time of design. Thanks, we hope you can use it! Just send me a comment or private message if you need a professional customization of this 3D-Model [Ethereum donations accepted](