Patty Sausage Cutting Template

Patty Sausage Cutting Template


Customize and print this guide to cut a package of sausage evenly into a specified number of patties. If you "get it," I probably don't need to explain any more. If you don't, there's probably no amount of explanation that would suffice. Haven't you always wondered what the exact right position should be to cut a package of sausage so that each piece is the same size? If the package were exactly cylindrical, it wouldn't be that hard, but when each end is pinched down to form a half ellipsoid shape, attempts to judge it visually are futile. Download the source, and take a peek into the OpenSCAD code of this customizable thing, and see how the geometric/trigonometric formula for ellipsoid volume is used to calculate precisely where each cut should go. There are plenty of comments explaining what's (supposed to be) going on, so if you find any errors in judgement (other than the fact that I spent time on this), please let me know. Haven't you also wondered why they bother putting those little marks on the package to divide it into 11 patties (which would have been an odd number of sausages), while a package of biscuits typically has only 8? Do they think three of your "sausage and biscuit" combinations should be "doubles?" Are they trying to start breakfast-table fights? Did they take a page from the 10 hot-dog vs. 8 hot-dog-bun malicious merchandising playbook? Was there a time when a package of biscuits actually had 11 (that would have been an odd number of biscuits too), and the sausage guys just refused to keep with the times? Well, I'm not sure about any of that, but this customizer lets you you take control (of the sausage count at least.) Teachers, this could be turned into a lesson showing how those math skills your students are always claiming are no good for anything practical, actually can be applied to something... marginally useful... for entertainment... I guess. Or, if you're teaching psychology, maybe you could use this to introduce a discussion about OCD.



