FlashForge Creator NF TC01 Single Nozzle Dual
This THING is a WORK IN PROGRESS. I wanted to modify my FlashForge Creator dual to a single hotend with dual extrusion. I had purchased the NF TC01 hot end and started tinkering with my printer. I am a NOVICE, I learned 3D design three weeks ago and have been using Fusion 360 for my designs. The results are (so far) great with a single color. I have finally put together a script that more-or-less works. Sailfish is a closed firmware platform (or at least I have not found a way to build the code) unlike Marlin. If I am not successful with Sailfish, I will likely replace the printer controller with a Marlin based board. Anyways, have fun checking it out and PLEASE feel free to comment, make changes / corrections, and provide feedback.