Cooling Fan Mount for Raspberry Pi 3 and 4
<h3>Universal Raspberry Pi 3(B) & Pi 4(B) Cooling Fan</h3> Wow! This took some time to avoid all the components on both boards, but this cooling fan mount will cool both a Pi3 & Pi4 if needed! (Also looks really weird!) **Only 20 minutes** to print and has three fixings that can be screwed with the Pi board. Air is directed over hottest parts on the board (CPU, memory, USB and power chips). Make sure the air-flow of the fan is blowing downwards! **Fan must be 5 volt and 30x30 mm in size (any height supported); ** + Positive (+) lead connects to pin 2 + Negative (-) lead connects to pin 6 ... of the GPIO connector **Printing** When printing make sure the bed sticks well and is level ... I printed with an Ender 3 at 0.3mm layer height. **Coming soon ...** I'm publishing a really nice set of Raspberry Pi cases *very soon* that can adapt to any size of Raspberry Pi fan (even the huge LED ones!) ... I am confident that you'll love 'em!