Modified Axle for Dry-box Insert for Universal Auto-Rewind Spool Holder

Modified Axle for Dry-box Insert for Universal Auto-Rewind Spool Holder


This is an alternative axle that allows the Universal Auto-Rewinder (UAR) to fit in the more common, cloudy 21-cup Rubbermaid container, using this mount The original Rubbermaid box mount for the UAR linked above was designed for the perfectly clear, Zylar container, which has become very difficult to find in the US. I purchased some of the much more common, cloudy containers, and found that the only thing that needed to be changed is to make the axle 5mm longer. This is not just "stretch the thing 5mm", here is what has been adjusted: * the end that snaps into the mount is unchanged * the groove that accepts the c-clip has been adjusted - it is now narrower, and has a smaller diameter, so the new (smaller) clip fits much more securely, and without as much play. This is important because there is very little width to spare within the box, so making sure the rewinder stays in the correct location on the axle is important to prevent the spindle from rubbing the sides of the box. * the distance between the clip-in end, and the c-clip end has been adjusted to perfectly match the width of the new rewinder * the length of the axle has been adjusted to perfectly fit the width of the cloudy Rubbermaid, 21-cup container. It's actually a 1mm press-fit (1mm too long, on purpose), to make sure it cannot easily fall out of place.



