Engineering Design Process: Tinkercad Project: Vehicle

Engineering Design Process: Tinkercad Project: Vehicle


Project Walkthrough In order to complete this project students must have a basic understanding of the engineering design process, three-dimensional models, and a basic knowledge of computer programs like Tinkercad. This project enables kids to do more than design something on the computer. The students will plan out their 3D design using the engineering design process and then move to the computer aided drafting (Tinkercad) portion of the lesson. The students will take something they've drawn by hand and use a 3D printer to print their vehicle. After the students have printed their designs, they will test their designs using the test they devised while working in their groups. If the entire class uses the same test the results of 3D car design. Summary There are many different types of vehicles that use wheel and axels to enable them to move. Each individual student or groups vehicle design can be tested uses an inclined plan to test distances traveled, accuracy (movement in straight line or does vehicle move to the right or left), and speed of the 3D printed vehicle. This project will enable the students to test Newton’s Laws of Motion in addition to the engineering standards outlined above. This project prompts students to work in groups to design and print models using simple machines like wheel and axels, requires the students to develop a better understanding of the engineering design process, and practice using programs like Tinkercad that enable the students to practice skills that will benefit them in career and technical education (CTE) careers.







3D Printing
