CleanSpace Halo Fit Tester Adaptor (DIY)
When we received our CleanSpace Halo in March (for demonstration and trial use), our infection control officer was scratching her head regarding how to fit test the mask to our front line staff. So I set out to design one out of interest. The Yellow one is the 1st generation but the clip-on is too loose. The hole to fit in the exhalation valve is also too small. The surface is very smooth as I used the hospital 3D printer (Ultimaker) with the double extruders (1 for the support which dissolve in water). The metal piece shown is the usual sampling connector used in N95 mask fit test. The white one is 2nd generation (used the sample PLA filament that came with my 1st 3D printer) but the clip-on is still slightly loose. The exhalation valve fit on perfectly. The surface is rough as I print it with my own 3D printer. Finally re-designed the 3rd version (grey one), which clip on tightly (perhaps too tight), so I have slightly widen the diameter again and uploaded this final revised stl version. Just recently noted that CleanSpace Halo has its own Fit Test Adapter and my hospital is going to buy one anyway (HK$1800). Not sure how it look like, but will post a close-up photo when it arrive. Disclaimer: - Not yet tested it on Portacount Fit test machine, but will report back later - Release this version since I have made it anyway. - Use at own risk