ZOHD Dart VTX and Antenna Mount Kit
<p>VTX and Antenna Mount for the ZOHD Dart. This antenna mount is designed to place as much weight in front of the CG as possible, as the dart tends to be a little tail heavy.</p> <p><u>If you found this useful, please consider to buy the needed parts through my affiliate link (or make any purchase at the website below after visiting these links)</u>:</p> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mmK3UqU7Dl">Eachine TX805</a></b> Budget Choice VTX - Measured 1 unit to be @250mw output. On the low side, but still had a good FPV Experience <3km<br /> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3vKvqzquGb">AKK FX2 International</a></b> Intermediate Choice VTX - Measured 2 units to be @650mw and @890mw output. Have this unit installed on most crafts. It comes without heatsink and with a straight MMCX connector that is best for this design<br /> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3Km3zUM1En">Eachine TX805s</a></b> Best Choice VTX - Measured 1 unit to be @1190mw, but dropping to a few DB below at an instant. Comes with heatsink installed, but a right angle MMCX connector that is better suited for other other VTX mounts that I designed.<br /> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/mmKKkq21PK">Realacc Antenna Set</a></b> Good Budget Antenna by Realacc that I have good experience with<br /> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DvvKkzUfS3">Foxeer Lollypop Antenna Set</a></b> Good and Small Antenna by Foxeer that I have had good experiences with<br /> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/D3mDUqzaaU">Hex M2.6 Self Tapping Screws</a></b> Make sure to get a whole variety of these screws. They are neat to use with 3D printed parts and I use them on all my designs. I used two of 8mm with a piece of heatsink around the top to make a better fit.<br /> <b><a href="https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3GKK2UlTeU">The RF Meter that I used</a></b> Cheap at only 30 or so euro's, and does a simple job. Order <a href="https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32881279549.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dAO34rL&fbclid=IwAR1-_yDUN6VvyJoF3qXHbljxcvyqNmSZxd9NwIIDxIp41VJLqg-QO0CpWnw">this attenuator</a> with it.<br />