Lithophane Photo Drum
This is an assembly of couple parts. Core is the drum from Lithophane style. You choose a photograph and let it be remodelled (Link: A stepper motor drives the gear. The Lithophane drum is glued on the gearplatform. The upper lid can be just put on loosely. As light I chose: Yizhet USB light key... Holder: Akozon USB Type A female By potentiometer you can slightly vary the revolutions per minute. As power supply I chose a USB power supply. Preferrably about 2.000mA. I cut-off a USB cable. LED is not controlled by Arduino but direct from power supply. In order not to overheat everything I used an LM2596S DC-DC step-down adapter. Note that you limit the Voltage to something like 3.6Volt. Much more is too bright and creates and consumes too much energy. What you need over this: 1 Potentiometer 10kOhm 1 On-Off switch, likely you need to adapt the AnschaltboxOn-Off and -Middle 6 Ball bearings 626-ZZ 1 Stepper motor 28BYJ-48 ULN2003 5V Stepmotor + ULN2003 Driver plus miscellaneous material.