60mm Fan to ABS 1.5 Pipe adapter
When setting up the enclosure for my AnyCubic Photon S printer, I needed a way to ventilate to the outside, and needed to run about 50' around the basement to get there. 1.5" ABS plumbing pipe is fairly cheap and easy to setup. Any commercial inline extractor fans were expensive, noisy, and generally too big - usually 4" pipe or more. So, I rummaged through the parts bin and found a couple 60mm computer fans. I wasn't sure that a single fan at the beginning of the pipe run, near the printer, would be enough to move the air along, so I designed both an enclosure mount and an inline mount that would be near the end of the run. The enclosure mount is on a switch inside inside with the printer, and the inline at the other end is always on, for a small vent effect even when the printer isn't running. The front of the enclosure has a plexiglass insert so I can keep an eye on the print progress I used whatever nuts/bots I had on hand for mounting - they're about an M4 size. I didn't need any glue on the pipes - the friction fit was tight enough to stay together on it's own. Everything works great - I don't smell any resin fumes in the basement, even when printing. All parts were printed on my FDM printer in the orientation of the native STL. No supports needed. Probably around 20% infill for the little bit of spots that will need it.