Propclef door opener
# Propclef #NoTouchChallenge ## Door Opener with protective case This tool is made to open a door without touching directly the handle with the hands or to push some buttons without using your finger. It comes in handy for example when you go to public toilets or if you have to push the elevator buttons or touch some handle that is frequently touched by other people. It is perfect to stay in your pocket or you can attach it to your keyfob. It is composed of two parts : * the Key * the Cover The cover fits in a firm way with the key assuring it won't open in your pocket or bag. The focus of my design has been put on ergonomy and style. NEW ! New covers available to allow attaching the Propclef to your belt and made to be operated with one hand! --- ## DISCLAIMER This object is not to be considered by any mean as an approved medical device and it's usage should not induce a false sense of confidence of safety from infection for the final user. Always follow WHO guidelines on how to keep yourself safe. Please refer too to the comment by 6ithFINGER to have more information about similar solutions made in copper respect to the 3d printed design in plastic. I, as a designer, am not to be considered, in any case, liable for any usage of this design. Viruses and bacteria can stick and, in case of bacteria, proliferate on the surface of any 3D printed plastic object that they can come in contact with. I would like to notice that there are, anyway, some existing studies related to how it is possible to sterilise or disinfect 3d printed parts, depending on the material you choose to 3D print your objects with. As a guideline you can check out these articles that will lead you to some scientific research that is being conducted in this sense => * * The usage of this design is totally under responsibility of the final user. ## Printing instructions Print the key part in horizontal with support and 50% infill. Print the cover part in vertical without support and 20% infill. As requested by some user I put a version of the key that can be printed without support. If you prefer it like this you have this other file too: key_part_no_support.stl remember to print at 50% infill. ## Curiosities The design is italian as I am italian, but since I live in France I chose to name it "Propclef" as it is the union of the two french words "propre" that means clean and "clef" that means key. ## Tipping If you find this object useful you can leave a tip to incentivate me with my next designs but it is optional. Feel free to print this object for your friends and family to keep them healthy as long as there is no commercial use (in that case contact me to have approval).