As a 3D printer enthusiast I was very fascinated by designs like the hairy lion.That's why I wanted to try something similar, besides my job I am also a mask maker and therefore I am committed to the "Balser fasnacht". This event, which attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists to our beautiful city every year, knows some traditional characters. One of them, if not the most famous one, is the "Waggis", an Alsatian Glochard. He is depicted with an oversized drinking nose and wild hair. That's why he's perfect for a hairy design. Either way, our beautiful tradition must be represented at "Thingiverse" and here we are. I have designed five variations of the figure: - tradition without headgear - tradition with pointed cap - Interpretation with perret - interpretation in aristocratic style based on a design by the group "Der Aint und der Glych", who in this variant actively participate in the "Basler Fasnacht". To lay the hair correctly, it is best to use a normal hairdryer- I hope someone has fun with these designs.