No-Sew FaceMask Clip
# No -Sew Face mask clip Turn a square piece of cloth into a Facemask! * Kid size clip: Acorn_MaskClip_k2.stl * Adult size clip: The other .stl files. (Same except for what is printed on them: Physics, Dayton, Strong, etc ## Materials to make a two layer thick mask: * ~10.5 by 16-18 inch piece of cloth * 30-35 inch of elastic * 2 3-D printed clips ## Steps * Fold the cloth in half, to end up with a 10.5 by ~8" piece of cloth. * Fold the cloth like a paper fan so that you end up with a 10.5 by ~2" piece of cloth * Place the folded cloth end into the clip with the angled base pointing inward of the cloth. (See pictures below) * Slide the top clip piece into the clip * Repeat the last two steps on the other side. * Add the elastic NOTE: This facemask does not replace a N95 mask. It simply masks a easy to create cloth mask. NO CLAIMS are made on Coronavirus protection.