COVID-19 Mask Cap, Headcrab Edition
*Note: this includes LaFactoria3D's original mask parts that this is designed to fit. It's a great design, and I include it here because they have since updated the mask base in a way this cannot fit. If you feel their updated version provides better protection I urge you to use it instead.* Replacement cap for LaFactoria3D's COVID-19 MASK -------------------------------------------------------------------- While printing mask parts for *Lowell Makes* I wanted to find some way to help healthcare workers relieve some stress. Making replaceable caps seems the best way to offer an adjustment; these clip right onto existing masks without interfering with function and maybe they can lighten the mood. Or in this case, make the wearer look creepy enough to keep others 6' away at all times. In honor of *Half-Life Alyx* I present the headcrab edition. Okay, maybe I just wanted an excuse to paly with ZBrush again. I found a lot of conflicting anatomical reference so I played with some details like making the hind legs a little more crabby, and at one point I was really happy with the model. Then I had to conform it to fit the mask base (distorting his 'face' a bit), and it was too polygonally dense to separate easily, then had to squish a few proportions to fit on my Ender 3's print bed, and did you know there's a polygonal limit to uploads? Had to fix that too. While I'm not thrilled with my final result, I really wanted to see what obstacles I'd encounter with a detailed ZBrush model and learned a lot in this process. To all of you who model to print with ZBrush, I salute you. I have printed it out and boy is the final result heavy. I tried to reduce the amount of supports needed inside the model but that just adds much more to the model itself. So if you're worried about your filament reserves you might want to wait for my eventual update. I'll add pics of a final printed version when I can (I can't wait to paint this baby.) The limbs will need to be glued in place, but are adjustable for different head shapes. Print at whatever angle you feel is best to avoid layer stepping, and the parts will need supports. Instructions on how to assemble these efficiently and good materials to use can be found here, thanks to GiveWave Studios: If you find any issues with it or think of ways to improve its design, please let me know (although there's probably little I can adjust after optimizing the polycount). And as always, feel free to modify this and share with the community.