MMU Filament Buffer from MMU2S parts.

MMU Filament Buffer from MMU2S parts.


For other Prusa MMU stuff: Included there is a link to cwkoehler's stand for this Thing, listed here as a remix.Thanks Chris! This uses the plentiful bearings and axles from the MMU set up and uses them to reduce friction and enhance reliability/serviceability. The main feature is the minimal deflection filament path which also works well with soft filaments and is drybox compatible. I print sides to prevent unruly filament from escaping, and I have yet to design a proper foot. I just printed an extra side and use that screwed to (at first a block of wood but later...) my descant box. In use, you can feed stiffer filaments along by pinching and sliding, but most of the time I just tip back the cap, run filament (I like to go 2 feet past the end of the buffer and drop the filament in to prevent issues with spool momentum unwinding filament on the spool.), and then seat one end of the capon the plastics and tilt it down. It takes a bit of practice but works great once you grok it. This is very much a work in progress! Please let me know what you find. If there is interest I'll make a proper bottom and post more details on making an end-to-end enclosed filament system. I use one of the side pieces as a base, which I glue-and-screw into a plastic tub for moisture sensitive filaments. That said, cwkoehler shared some mounts me made in a comment, and I've added them here. Errata: Wow, I just realized, I haven't even touched my design in months, I should share what I have as it's not going out of style soon. Plus I've got a few downloads on the last version so there's at least some interest. This is a clean-sheet design, but spiritual successor to my envisioned "filament wallet".



