Ear Saver for Face Mask

Ear Saver for Face Mask


Common face masks have elastic that loops around the ear. When they are worn for extended period of time, ears become sore. This mask clip is an effort to provide relief to the ears. It works by holding the elastic loops behind the head. There are other extenders like this one on thingiverse. But, at this time, most are too long to to wear behind the head. Goals of making this extender: 1. Short like a hair clip. 2. Not use too much raw material. 3. Quick printing 4. Printable on small printers. 5. Easy to layout multiple copies on printbed. 6. Rounded corners to be easy on hands when attching behind the head. There are two STL files. One has single piece and other has a set of 4. It was created using Freecad 0.17 and source file is attached. I found this 'no sewing required' mask maker that can be used with this clip that seems to work well. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4301557






