2 Gang Blank Plate for Sonoff WiFi Switch

2 Gang Blank Plate for Sonoff WiFi Switch


Face plate to cover 2 gang electrical box for use with a Sonoff WiFi Switch. Has a cutout button for manual operation of the switch or for accessing the wifi and sync functions of the switch. I wanted to update my smart home with wifi light switches that would work with Alexa. The problem was that I did not like the look of the ones offered. Most of the outlets in my house are 2 gang boxes to support a ceiling fan with separate fan and light controls. I rarely, if ever, turn off the fan and they are are all set to medium speed so I didn't need a full fan controller. I also didn't need a dimmer switch as I just use simple LED bulbs that are about the right brightness for me. So the plan was to hard wire the fan power on and place a smart switch to control the on/off of the lights. Since I could not find an off the shelf switch I liked I decided to do it myself. I found a nice little product that provides the features I need with Google, Nest and Alexa support and works on WiFi. I created this plate to go over the 2 gang box and provide a single smooth surface with a cutout "button" that will press in the button on the smart switch. I have some other plates that I need to design and print. I will post them once I have them, so keep a look out for Single and 3 Gang plates as well as some really custom ones that support a manual switch and a U.S. receptacle for use with an Echo Flex. To go along with this you will need to use the Sonoff WiFi Switch that you can find on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078S21X9T/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 -Enjoy





