Ender 3 Remote Control Enclosure
Ender 3 Remote Control Panel to suit standard board (or derivatives such as V1.1.5 silentboard) using a single 40mm fan and incorporating the LCD screen. the design is intended to use M3 x 4mm heatset threaded inserts to mount the Mainboard, the LCD screen and the fan as well as mount the parts together. So I've been having pretty big problems with parts warping off the bed (needed much more than an enclosure and remote electronics but i won't go into that now!) so i decided to put together this simple remote electronics enclosure to allow me to house my Ender 3 in an enclosure. it is designed to take a stock mainboard (or in my case a V1.1.5 silent board) and house the LCD screen in a neat and compact solution. Future developments: - Could do with space to mount 2 LM2596 buck converters. - Additional main board cooling would not go a miss due to the temp of the TMC2208 heatsinks although i have not had a problem with this. the design is split where it is to allow for future expansion by only re-printing single parts (i.e. the rear part can be extended to house the buck convertors and/or a larger fan). Print tips: - The base prints nicely without any supports although you may with to include small supports at the SD card and micro usb slots to ensure they dont droop (set cura supports to everywhere, overhang tolerance to 60 and XY clearance to 1.4mm so the vents are not filled). - The rear prints without support, led on its back. - The top prints on its face but requires supports for the two front mounting tabs and the two tabs that locate it into the back piece (set cura supports to touching buildplate and overhand tolerance to 60). Additional parts required: - 18x M3x4mm heatset inserts - 18x M3x6 button head bolts