Cover for old Coffee grinders (Kress M2 or Krups D4)

Cover for old Coffee grinders (Kress M2 or Krups D4)


A nearly exact reproduction of the cover of an old Kress or Krups Coffee mill from the 1950`s. On the first picture left is the original and on the right is the reproduction. The part that fits the mill is conical to fit securely. It will fit Kress M2 or Krups D4 coffee grinders. I have included 2 versions of the cover, one more looking like the original and one that is nicer to touch. Assembly: Cut out a round piece of acrylic (diameter 69 mm) and glue it into the top of the cover printed in transparent PLA. Conus min. diameter: 73mm Conus max. diameter: 74mm



