Spool Lamp
This is a lamp made out of an empty prusa spool. You can clip 6 lithophane images around it. If you dont want to install a light switch just print the other leg of the lamp 3 times instead of 2. To create the lithophane visit http://3dp.rocks/lithophane/ , upload your picture and select "outer curve". Then go to settings- model and set according to the image I uploaded. I used images with a size of around 1500x900 px. Fitting the picture into the frame is done in prusa slicer by opening the frame first and "adding a part" in the object settings. Select your picture and move/scale it into the frame. I haven't found the perfect width of the frame yet. It fits more or less but its difficult to make a really tight ad nice fit. If you find a better size please comment. The assembly is done by just glueing the legs to the empty spool. I used hot glue. In the Spool I glued a white LED light strip.