EA - Aegis GOD platform Kit

EA - Aegis GOD platform Kit


This is a complex thing to print on it's own so I've rebuilt it with a mix of different models and custom parts. To complete it you'll need a wire or tubing from a hobby store to fit the 3 array parts. This is only because most printers wont print the thin arms they sit on or they would snap easily. The missile pods can also be magnetised to allow them to rotate. Lore description The Aegis orbital defense platforms were Earthforce's last line of defence and were a major component in Earth planetary defense grid. The platforms feature an array of medium and long range missiles as well as an extremely powerful particle beam weapon. On its own, a single Aegis has enough firepower to wipe out the entire eastern seaboard of North America. Collectively, the planetary defense grid has the potential to level up to 40% of the Earth's populated surface using its particle beam weaponry. Ship Size: 400 meters Scale 1:270 fighter scale= 148.41cm 1:440 huge ship= 90.909cm B5 1:1440= 27.777cm Armada "Scale" to match other 3D print groups like Mel Miniatures. 1/7000 = 57.14mm File compost from http://homepage.eircom.net/~bcelestia/ Homeworld: babylon 5 earth civil war mod. plus scratch built parts







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