Ubtech Jimu Modified Parts
This is after purchasing for my daughter and building one of the UBTech JIMU Robot Kits. I thought some parts could be added and others created. * Modified the Claw Nails, so that they would be stronger and not break. * I added some angular Joints / Tees for the arms. * C4b - is a modified version of Part C4 to wrap around the Motor - to be used as a Claw. Notice in the closeup of the Claw photo. The Long Green piece directly in front of the Motor - is the modified C4b. * Added Double / Triple - Circle / Triangle / Brace - as LEG / ARM pieces. Also, the Yellow Fuilt Frame is actually an R2D2 base which can fit the JIMU box inside of it , with the Treads or Wheels beneath it. Build it with the C4_TripleQuadRing20x20Qrtr.stl as the cylinder rings using the J9_Peg1x2.stl and frame squares + C4_TripleQuadRing20x20Qrtr.stl as the dome top connected with the J8_JntHexagonalHexPegs.stl Have Fun !