Jaeger / Smiths automotive gauges 16mm LED replacement

Jaeger / Smiths automotive gauges 16mm LED replacement


I was upgrading my Land Rover Series 2A gauges with custom fuel gauges and the old globe holder was dead (and incandescent). This thing will fit into any 16mm hole for globe holders on Jaeger and Smiths instrument cluster/gauges. It allows you to use a 5MM 12V LED (use resistors) and any 5mm LED panel mount bezel/holder. Like seen here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL3nK0hrwME). Cheap and easy. There are two things, One loose one and a tighter one. The loose one sits OK, I didn't feel confident that it would stay in over a year of off road abuse. The tighter one, It sits real nice, but you will most probably break when you try to remove it. But i'm confident it wont come out. The short one is the loose one with a shorter stalk so the led fits in the different spots (Such as shorter (in terms of depth) 16mm gauge leds.) In addition if you want some added confidence on the led, chuck a bit of hot snot (hot glue) down the tube once the led is installed.






