Pulp Sci-Fi Space Hard Suit

Pulp Sci-Fi Space Hard Suit


WORK IN PROGRESS. PRINT NOT TESTED What it says on the tin. This is a Space Hard Suit inspired by Pulp Sci-Fi illustrations. It is scaled such that it should work with a verity of true-scale 32 and heroic-scale 40 arms from a verity of sculptors and companies. Great for a unique hero in a retro sci-fi themed setting or units in a themed army. Special thanks to: "klickstop", Oleg Ushenok, and Eugene Apekin. Hardsurface parts created by these artists were used in finishing this model. All parts used are authorized for use in private and commercial projects. If you would like to help support my work, please visit my Patron. Happy Gaming. This is the Rise of the Cobra Surfer. UPDATE: 5/7/2020: Added a set of arms equipped with a Bolt Thompson.







Toys & Games