Intex pump splitter

Intex pump splitter


I created this to split the pump exhaust from the standard pump that comes with intex above ground pools. This will split to a standard garden hose and the normal large hose that comes with it. If you want better pressure in one nozzle or the other you will need to adjust how much flow is coming from each nozzle. in other words block one side or the other to increase flow. Supports are required as it is best printed withe the dual nozzles facing the build plate. I might play with the design more to have a built in valve as well. To get the best fit I heated up the end that connects to the pump and then clamped it with a pipe clamp while still a little warm to get a molded fit. If you found this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my Help cover the time of design. Thanks, Enjoy!



