Electronics box for BTT SKR Pro designed for migrating from ANet metal box or others.

Electronics box for BTT SKR Pro designed for migrating from ANet metal box or others.


This design has mounts for the BTT SKR Pro, two MOSFET boards, and a 120mm fan, power from your supply can be snaked in through any of the many hexagon holes to suit your needs. The hexagon holes are also useful for wire ties. The front has a hole to access the board's reset button, provide display wires to exit the box. Print one of each (two for the sides), see the photo for assembly. Use a 120mm 12V fan for quite cooling, I use this one <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Air-AF120-Quiet-Single/dp/B007RESG3A" title="Corsair-Air-AF120-Quiet">Corsair-Air-AF120-Quiet</a> If your supply is 24V a buck converter would be needed.</p> Also, this guide should be helpful on the changes when migrating away from the Anet Anet3D basic boards. <a href="https://www.instructables.com/id/Upgrading-From-ANET3D-V15-to-MKS-Gen-14/">From-ANET3D-V15-to-MKS-Gen-1.4</a> You will need 3mm screws for the assembly. If you found this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my PayPal.me. Help cover the time of design. Thanks, Enjoy!



