iPad 2 Mount for SeeMeCNC RostockMAX v4 Printer

iPad 2 Mount for SeeMeCNC RostockMAX v4 Printer


This is one of those designs that gets printed just once. I decided to upload it for fellow SeeMeCNC RostockMAX v4 printer owners out there. **Mount** The Mount clips onto the Rostock v4 in seconds. No screws, drilling, or other hardware required. I was happy with the sturdiness, although the first fitting prototype did develop a crack at the corner. The Mount can be used on the RostockMAX v4 for other projects besides an iPad, such as tool caddies, or cameras. Print “Upside down”, using support. I used 70° max support angle, and a 6% Line support. **iPad Holder** The iPad Holder screws onto the Mount with three **(3) #10 wood screws**, I used 1-1/4” long screws. It too, can be used in other projects. It was designed for my older iPad 2. I am unaware of which iPad versions will work with (fit) this holder. This gets printed on its side, as pictured. No support needed. This part barely fits on the Rostock bed. Shout out to https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3032460 for inspiring the clamp design.



