Cypress Tree - BONES & PORTALS Campaign.
I have a running Kickstarter for Scenery and props (linked to above) and I´m releasing some free items during this trying time. You can see the full collection (which will keep growing during this day) right <a href=" ">HERE</a> This release is a Cypres Tree –Since trees are always a difficult thing to find and print when for table games… most of them are trunks or complicated models with a lot of f parts, I wanted to make something simple, with no need of supports and can be playable an out of the printer. These are 100% support-free and will print perfect in FDM or resin. Good print in 0.2 and fill of 5% is enough to make this tree looks awesome. If you are a gamer and want LOTS of cool stuff for your table, check out <a href=" ">BONES & PORTALS</a> Campaign. Scale fit 28mm 32mm Fiigures. 34.4 x 34.4 x 129mm - FIles Size from the final product can vary to ensure a reasonable size pack. Thanks and Enjoy!