4x6 Collage Picture Frame
The goal of this design was to create a collage of 4x6 pictures where each picture has a nice border. It is designed to have one middle piece, two vertical pieces, and four horizontal pieces printed. This would mean a total of 7 backings needing to be printed also. This is the way I configured mine, but the files can be adjusted to a different configuration. When put together, the holes are made for #4x3/8 screws. This is purely for aesthetics. After printing them, I wanted to paint them to have a better finish. I did a light sanding (320) on the surfaces I wanted to paint and then super glued the pieces one at a time. After the whole assembly was made, I did a couple coats of paint. If you would like to make some edits, I am more than happy to send you the SolidWorks files. Comment any suggestions that you have. If you like it, please let me know.