Cup Holder for Woods Strathcona Folding Chair

Cup Holder for Woods Strathcona Folding Chair


I love my camping chair, but hated that it didn't have a cup holder. I made this design to clip on the frame of my Woods Strathcona folding chair. The opening is large enough for a mug, or my YETI Rambler 20 oz. Tumbler. The inside diameter of the cup holder is 90mm. It's made to attach to the right arm rest. If you want the left side just mirror it in your slicer (in PrusaSlicer you can right-click on the part). You probably want to mirror the cup too, so that the hole for the mug handle is towards you. I made the design so that no printing supports, additional hardware or glue is needed. This is the reason for the horizontal slot to attach the bracket to the cup holder (would have preferred vertical but couldn't figure that out without supports) The interface between the bracket and cup holder is purposefully a friction fit. For assembly, I found it easier to put the flat part of the bracket on the edge of a table, then push the cup holder in the slot. My printer had no problem bridging the gap on the slot. For attaching to the chair, pull the corner material off the frame, hook the top part of the bracket, then push it forward. It does need to be removed when you fold the chair, but it's easy to pop on and off.



