Non-Medical Mask - Any Material Filter
I revised existing mask designs, and then completely remodeled the entire mask to make it lighter and the opening larger. This is a non-medical mask, but it is based off of medical mask designs. Use the best filter material you can find for the filter inserts, I presently use 2.5 micron filters with a carbon filter layer for de-odourization. This mask is primarily to protect others from any potential infection you might have, but it is my hope that it provides some protection for the wearer. The mask, filter frames, and screw insert are all designed to be PLA. TPU is used sparingly for gaskets and headbands. UPDATE: The mask designs can generally be printed in TPU as well use slower settings. Please take care to recycle where possible, and incinerate when you have to <3. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Home during this time of crisis. Revision 1 now uploaded.