Filament Relay Pulley/Guide Attachment for Prusa Spool Holder - 624 SKF Bearing

Filament Relay Pulley/Guide Attachment for Prusa Spool Holder - 624 SKF Bearing


<a href=""><b>Copy of my PrusaPrinters post</b></a> I designed this pulley system so that I could print large 2kg+ spools. It is easy to put together, requires only one mechanical component (a bearing) and attaches onto the existing Prusa spool holder saving material and print time (1h). <u>You will need:</u> 2 x 624 SKF Bearing <u>Build Instructions:</u> 1. Insert one or preferably two 624 SKF bearings into the pulley. 2. Hold the pulley within the spool holder attachment enclosure and push the shaft through the enclosure, pulley and then into the recess in the enclosure. There should be sufficient friction to prevent the shaft from coming out. 3. Push the shaft on the housing into the side of the Prusa spool holder and you are ready to print. <u>Tip</u> If you are not using maximum z height you can also flip the Prusa spool holder around and the filament will come down in line with the X carriage. See the second image. <u>Credits</u> The adjustable spool holder seen in the background is the following design by cisardom modified from Mikolas Zuza: <a href="">Thiniverse Link to Adjustable Spool Holder</a> Thanks for checking out my design and enjoy! Stay safe!



