Megasquirt DIYPNP Alternator board mounting brackets

Megasquirt DIYPNP Alternator board mounting brackets


This is a bracket to hold the Alternator Control board down, firmly to the Megasquirt DIYPNP. May also work on other megasquirts. Instructions for the board says to use hot glue, but I find that a bit on the skecthy side. Why do you need the Alternator Control board? The miata NB (MX-5 NB) have the alternator control imbedded in the orgininal ECU. When you swap ECU with the Megasquirt, the car will not charge anymore. This board is bought on Ebay, and has the name: "99-05 Miata Alternator Control V3.3 by Westerfield MX5" Mounting of the brackets is done with a Zip-tie to the first bracket, trough an exisiting hole on the main board. To mount the other bracket, use two bits of stripped wire and solder the wire to the proto-area on the main board. Mounting of the alternator board to the brackets is done with M3 bolts. Length of the bolts can be between 4 and 9mm If you printed this, come say hi in the comments :D






