TBS UNIFY pro32 HV MMCX holder for heat sink
made a VTx and Antenna holder for my plane. wanted to fit some heat sinks to the VTx due to it came become pretty hot on full power. Providing the CAD files as well, that you might be able to diversify or fit to your needs or heat sinks. I am using a 27x27x25 mm heat sink off ebay for very less bucks glued with special heat transfer tape to the VTx. The VTx together with the glued heat sinks in place are held with a little zip tie in place. I've made it in 2 parts to glue together with a drop of power glue. 2 parts for better printability. SMA connection bolted on with two M3 flat head screws. but not absolutely necessary. It might be enough just to screw the antenna on.