F1 Wheel for Logitech G25 without any adapter

F1 Wheel for Logitech G25 without any adapter


###About Design and printing I've used the shape of adrianin96's wheel to redraw it and redesign. My version is using the original grips from remix source version. All parts can be printed without any supports, my advise is to use ~25% hexagonal infill and lower speed of cooling fan (I have thermal runaway issuse during infill printing). For grip wrapping you can use road bike wrap, old thin leather belt or even cutted bicycle inner tube, for top plate you can use the 3M Carbon Fibre Vinyl wrap to the coolest looking. ###Bolts and nuts - 4x M3x30 cutted to about 26mm - 4x M3 nuts - 12x plasterboard 3.5x25mm screws cutted to about 12mm - hotglue to glue encoders, 7seg screen and diode matrix ###Electronic parts - Arduino Nano clone - 6x PBS-11A switches (with cut-off inside gear to make it monostable), for ex. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32956012454.html - 2x KY-040 encoder module, for ex. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000064589651.html - 2x PB101AB switch with M7 thread, for ex. https://elecena.pl/product/3840154/przelacznik-pb101ab-off-on - MAX7219 8digit 7seg Display, for ex. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32815296316.html - 8 diode WS2812 module, for ex. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000195919675.html - some different colours wires - long miniUSB cable (to assembly you must cut it, conduct it trought the hole in bottom.stl, solder it and fasten by zip tie. ###Software and configuration Download Simhub (https://www.simhubdash.com/), install, run start>programs>Simhub>Arduino Configuration, next in profile>load profile choose Arduino_Sketch.tfp and uploud it to your Arduino Nano board. In SimHub you have to edit RGB leds profile - in each RPMS (50% TO 100%) set start position to 1 and Led count to 4 and map your buttons in Controls and events>Keyboard emulation. ###Center cap You can easilly personalise the center cap - just print only the cap.stl and glue to it whatever you want. ###Modyfying and remixing I'm uplouding all files that I've used, if you can't open the 2020's Inventor files please send me message - I'll send you files in different file format.






