Beyerdynamic DT 990 - Magnetic-Microphone

Beyerdynamic DT 990 - Magnetic-Microphone


I wanted to use my DT990 Headphones for gaming, therefore i needed a Microphone. Since i dont wanted the Mic to be fixed on the Headphone, i thought i would make a magnetic "add-on" to easily remove and install the mic. So i used some neodymium magnets (17 x 9 x 2.5mm) i had at home and designed around them. I chose the Cable-kink-protection as a nice position, since its the right height and not very fragile. The two parts for the Headphone are just put around the cable and fit in the top space of the kink protection (it is still able to move, dont worry). Put the magnet in, and a M3 bolt and nut holds it together. At first i thought, i need two bolts, but one is more than enough. For the microphone part you really have to force the magnet in (i made it very tight) and use a some wire (i used 1.8mm cooper wire from an electric motor at work) which is stiff enough to hold the weight of the lavallier- clipon- Microphone. On the Backend i bend the wire to some sort of hook, to resist torsion and hold it in place (the small screw is not necessary, since the wire has enough tension to stay in the hole). The front part was just bent to hold the mic as i liked it. to keep it from rotating those edges hold it in the right position and the magnet easily holds it together. Now this really worked out nicely and i can use my good headphone for chatting aswell, while easily add the mic. Even with fast headmovement or sneezing the microphone doesnt move at all (But this is up to your magnets obviously). Overall i see this as an inspiration and not as an "print and it works". Since my printer is not very precise, the lengths and so on are not the accurate. And i designed it to work with my printer, but give me feedback what didnt work for you in peticular and im might change it. . Hope you stll like the idea about it!






