Yankee Clipper Agitation Rod - UPDATED

Yankee Clipper Agitation Rod - UPDATED


UPDATED: There is now a "v2" design for this model, where I've made modifications to help aid in liquid flow, so the tank is quicker and easier to fill. In the project images, the new version is printed in green, while the original version is printed in red. I bought some Yankee Clipper development tanks whose primary intended use is for single 35mm or 120 roll film development (see picks) but they didn't come with the agitation rod that is required to make them work correctly (these tanks are NOT inversion-style tanks... if you try inversion the chems will get *everywhere*). Since I have three of these tanks, and zero agitation rods, I decided to whip one up! Check the pics and print files, this thing fits like a glove and works like a charm. If you make one, I'd love it if you let me know! Don't worry, I won't beg for a donation, and I won't try to get you to buy anything and I won't try to sell your contact info or anything LOL. I just like knowing my designs help others.






