Ahsoka Tano Mouse Ears
Couldn't get a hold of those limited-edition Ashoka Mouse Ears? Me too! Not willing to pay hundreds of dollars on ebay? Me too! Kinda like the her Mandalorian headband better anyways? Me too! A set of completely printable Ashoka Tano Mouse Ears, including: - Mandalorian head band (3 lengths - flat, middle and long) * Long is for those who want the band in front of their forehead * Medium is for those who want the band in the middle of their head * Flat is really just for display. It's hard to wear this one. * Band only is the headband without the Mandalorian flair. **UPDATED** - 2 detachable ears (left and right) - 2 detachable ears (left and right) where the pattern extends out from the sides of the ears. **ADDED** - clip for putting them together. - PNG of ear pattern in case any crafty people want to cut out the pattern in blue and glue them on the ears **ADDED** I suggest PETG for strength and flexability and at least a 0.2mm nozzle for the clip. If needing to scale, try 254 or 2540% which fixes conversion issues between inches and cm or mm when importing. I'm working on a way to print the band sections separately and will upload them once I get something printable.