Giant LED Clock Shelf

Giant LED Clock Shelf


I saw this shelf on instructables the other day and I decided to design my own version from the ground up as the original version requires quite a lot of printing and I didn't have the patience to wait for hours of prints. So I made mine mostly out of plywood. Just the front covers are printed. You can find the original version [here]( I will not provide the full installation instructions here but you can have a look at my Fusion 360 model (included in the downloaded files) and figure out how it goes together from there. I've also included a PDF with some detailed measurements of the different wood parts. The model is parametric, so you can easily change the thickness of the plywood and all the dimensions will still line up. I have created mine out of 4mm plywood with some 13mm square wood profiles. The code is also a complete rewrite from the original. You can find it [on my github]( together with a lot of instructions on how to adjust it to your needs. A Youtube video of the clock in action is in the works. # List of 4mm plywood parts: * 2x outside-wall-top-and-bottom * 2x outside-wall-left-and-right * 1x inside-wall-bottom * 1x inside-wall-top * 12x inside-walls-vertical * 6x inside-wall-horizontal-top * 6x inside-wall-horizontal-bottom * 1347x463mm Wooden backplate -> you can also oversize this to make it stick out from the shelf similar to how it was done in the original version --------------------------------------------- # List of 13x13mm square wood profiles: * 4x 455mm * 5x 1313mm * 4x 159mm * 10x 208mm * 12x 200mm * 5x 421mm ------------------------------------------- # List of 3D printed parts: * 32x led-cover * 4x corner-cover * 12x t-junction-cover * 5x x-junction-cover * 12x in-wall-led-holder






