Hand-Crank Generator Supercapacitor

Hand-Crank Generator Supercapacitor


Universal supercapacitor power storage devce inspired by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y4pwcFyLOE Designed for an aluminium channel of 50x100mm outer dimensions and the geared motor/generator from the video (https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32999256826.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3cd270efGoC0Id&algo_pvid=6ffa10b1-1473-4828-bbdb-7f9dfb2555f4&algo_expid=6ffa10b1-1473-4828-bbdb-7f9dfb2555f4-37&btsid=0ab6fb8815891133313137845e8c50&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) It can be had for half the price. Just do a proper search. The same supercaps and balance board are used. Accomodates an LTC3780 buck boost board https://www.ebay.de/itm/1x-LTC3780-Automatisches-Buck-Boost-Konstantstrom-Leistungsmodul-DC-5-32V/283688502837?hash=item420d270635:g:ZUoAAOSw7bZd3HH~) to be able to charge it up from a wide range of input voltages. The current adjust potentiometer is externalized so the charge current can be adjusted which is important for weaker sources. Charging it up to its full 16,2V via the hand crank is quite an exercise and makes the Motor quite hot so so kind of thermal coupling to the enclosure is recommended. I added an LCD panel meter because oft its low power consumption. The device can be charged up to about 14V from an "empty" car battery ant jumpstart your car. On the input side you have an XT60 input connector and a 5.5x2.1 DC female jack. On the output side you have XT60 as well as XT90 for even higher discharge currents. The hand crank is attached with an M4 threaed rod.







